Please remember to bring your membership card to all events, with your Emergency Contact on the reverse.
Interest groups are at the heart of what u3a tries to do. They are led by members for members. The leader may have knowledge and experience of the subject or just want to know about something new that interests other members.
Activities are organised mainly in small groups that meet regularly, during daytime, often in each other’s homes. Members, through sharing their knowledge, skills and experience, learn from each other.
If you would like to join any of our groups, you are most welcome to try a taster visit to one of their meetings. You may visit twice as a visitor and then if you would like to join the group you need to be a member of Frodsham u3a. This will ensure that you and the whole group are covered by the u3a insurance policy.
Click the button to see the groups timetable
It’s important to contact the group leader by email via the link on the relevant individual group page before your first visit to make sure that you will be expected and that there will be room for you
Group leaders can be contacted by email by clicking on Group leader's name on each individual group page.
Most meetings are 2 hours long. Meetings at Frodsham Community Centre cost £2.00 per session and meetings in members' homes cost 50p to cover refreshments (u3a guideline).
If you would like to try something different that doesn't appear on our list then let us know.
Perhaps you'd like to run a group but don't know how to start - if so, please tell us, but don't worry, there is always someone willing to guide you.
To see full details of an event click on the title (in blue font)
(Information for Group leaders can be seen here)
Groups listed alphabetically
2nd Sunday lunch group
Status: Full
2nd Sunday monthly at 1.00pm -
Art and Artists
Status: Active
on Wednesdays
2nd Wednesday monthly at 10.30am -
Status: Active
Every Wednesday at 1.00pm -
Status: Active
on Tuesdays
1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly at 1.15pm -
Church visiting
Status: Active
Monthly on Fridays
1st Friday morning monthly at various times depending on venue -
Classical music enjoyment
Status: Active
on Wednesdays
3rd Wednesday monthly at 2.00pm -
Classical music enjoyment 2
Status: Wait list only
on Thursdays
1st Thursday monthly at 2.00pm -
Creative crafts
Status: Active
on Thursdays
2nd Thursday monthly at 10.30am -
Cryptic crosswords
Status: Active
on Mondays
3rd Monday monthly at 2.00pm -
Enjoying your photography
Status: Active
2nd Tuesday monthly at 10.00am -
Family history
Status: Active
on Tuesdays
Click on Zoom invitation link at 10.30 am on the 4th Tuesday monthly -
Film Appreciation
Status: Active
on Wednesday mornings
10.30 am on 3rd Wednesday monthly -
French conversation
Status: Active
on Mondays
Deux fois par mois a 10.15 jusqu’à 11.30. -
Friday lunch
Status: Active
on Fridays
In a local hostelry on the 3rd Friday monthly -
Status: Active
1st Tuesday monthly at 2.00pm -
Industrial history
Status: Active
on Thursdays
4th Thursday of the month at 2.00pm -
Intriguing history
Status: Active
on Tuesdays
3rd Tuesday of each month at 10.30am -
Monday book group
Status: Wait list only
on Mondays
3rd Monday monthly at 10.00am -
News and views
Status: Active
Monthly on Tuesdays
1st Tuesday monthly at 10.30am starting in October -
Status: Active
on Mondays
Monday 10.00 - 12.00 (this is usually but not always the first Monday of the month) -
Status: Active
2.00pm on 1st Thursday and 3rd Wednesday monthly -
Pins and needles
Status: Full
on Mondays
2nd Monday monthly at 10.00am -
Play reading
Status: Active
on Mondays
1st and 3rd Monday monthly at 1.30pm -
Recorder playing
Status: Active
10.00am on 2nd Wednesday and 4th Thursday monthly -
Science for scientists
Status: Active
on Mondays
Meetings via Zoom until further notice: 1st Monday monthly at 2:00 pm -
Status: Active
on Tuesdays
2nd and 4th Tuesday monthly at 1.15pm -
Sunday lunch get together
Status: Full
on Sundays
1st Sunday monthly -
Thursday book group
Status: Active
on Thursdays
1st Thursday monthly at 10.30am -
Status: Active
2nd Monday and 4th Friday monthly, starting at 10.30am -
Wednesday book readers
Status: Active
4th Wednesday monthly at 2.15 pm -
Zoom quiz
Status: Active
on Thursdays
4th Thursday monthly in Winter months at 7.00pm